Addikt Leather Classic Suspender Harness


Addikt Leather Classic Suspender Harness will look good on its own or layered on a shirt or t-shirt for the men in charge…


These Addikt Leather Classic Suspender Harness is the perfect accessory to complete your leather uniform. The Addikt Leather Classic Suspender Harness is made in our worshop using 3.0-3.5mm full grain saddle leather. These Braces are so sturdy they will last for years and years, and only gain in beauty and patina as they get worn and become more supple over time.

The Addikt Leather Classic Suspender Harness is a bold, masculine body harness and suspenders that will look great all by itself or layered on a shirtor t-shirt. A chunckier look for the men in charge.

The Addikt Leather Classic Suspender Harness is 4 cm wide and adjustable in length, thanks to the buckles in the front.

You can choose your size and color.

  • Available in different colors
  • Available in sizes S/M or L/XL
  • Made from 100% aniline full-grain saddle leather.


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